
Mario Kart Characters Made from Non-Warp-Pipe-Cleaners

martes, 13 de diciembre de 2011 , Posted by admin at 8:02

Mario Kart Characters Made from Non-Warp-Pipe-Cleaners

I don’t know about you, but I find these little guys to be absolutely adorable. These are fuzzy Mario Kart characters made from
pipe-cleaners. And they have real wheels which means that you can race them too!

The wheels are attached to a little LEGO base. They come from Etsy seller Oskar Robles (aka fuzzyfigureguy) and they are just $10 (USD) each. He has a long list of characters that he can build you, which seems like it might include every Mario Kart character.

You name it, he will build it. He sells all kinds of cool pipe-cleaner creations like Megaman, Samus, Optimus Prime, Nintendo’s R.O.B. and a whole lot more. Currently he has so many requests that you have to allow up to 3 to 6 weeks for delivery. I can see why

 Video// Youtube

Article,photographs and video taken entirely from the web http://technabob.com/